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Bylaws & Policies
Town Bylaw
Bylaw 152 - The Operation of Snowmobile
Bylaw 169 - To Regulate the Speed of Motor Vehicles
Bylaw 183 - The Noise Bylaw
Bylaw 193 - To Prohibit The Burning of Rubbish or Waste Material Within The Town Boundaries
Bylaw 235 - Ta Amend A Bylaw to Burning of Rubbish within the Town Boundaries
Bylaw 210 - To Provide for Discounts and Penalties Current Taxes And Arrears of Taxes
Bylaw 228 - To Licence Transient Traders
Bylaw 239 - To Provide For The Licensing of Occupants of Trailers, Mobile Homes And Portable Shacks
Bylaw 260 - Public Notice Bylaw
Bylaw 261 - Nuisance Abatement Bylaw
Bylaw 285 - To Control Dogs In The Town of Ogema
Bylaw 292 - Amendment To Bylaw 285
Bylaw 293 - To Regulate Walls, Fences, Hedges or Shrubs
Bylaw 304 - Fire Ban Bylaw
Bylaw 1-2020 - Assessment Appeal Fee Bylaw
Bylaw 2021-04 - Election Procedures
Bylaw 2022-01 - The Utility Management Bylaw
Bylaw 2022-02- The Utility Service Charge Bylaw
Bylaw 2022-03 - Recycling Service Fees
Bylaw 2023-03 - The Building Bylaw
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